
recsys 2007 论文列表

Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2007, Minneapolis, MN, USA, October 19-20, 2007.

Can social information retrieval enhance the discovery and reuse of digital educational content?
Explanations of recommendations.
Elicitation of profile attributes by transparent communication.
A multiagent knowledge-based recommender approach with truth maintenance.
Evaluating sources of implicit feedback in web searches.
A hybrid social-acoustic recommendation system for popular music.
The challenges of recommending digital selves in physical spaces.
Techlens: a researcher's desktop.
Toward the exploitation of social access patterns for recommendation.
Towards ensemble learning for hybrid music recommendation.
The keepup recommender system.
The evaluation of a hybrid critiquing system with preference-based recommendations organization.
Supporting social recommendations with activity-balanced clustering.
Leveraging aggregate ratings for better recommendations.
Evaluating information presentation strategies for spoken recommendations.
Effective explanations of recommendations: user-centered design.
Eigentaste 5.0: constant-time adaptability in a recommender system using item clustering.
Influence-based collaborative active learning.
Comparing and evaluating information retrieval algorithms for news recommendation.
Case amazon: ratings and reviews as part of recommendations.
A recommender system for on-line course enrolment: an initial study.
A probabilistic model for item-based recommender systems.
Improving new user recommendations with rule-based induction on cold user data.
Usage-based web recommendations: a reinforcement learning approach.
Robustness of collaborative recommendation based on association rule mining.
Addressing uncertainty in implicit preferences.
Conversational recommenders with adaptive suggestions.
Replaying live-user interactions in the off-line evaluation of critique-based mobile recommendations.
Incorporating user control into recommender systems based on naive bayesian classification.
Supporting product selection with query editing recommendations.
A recursive prediction algorithm for collaborative filtering recommender systems.
Robust collaborative filtering.
Complex-network theoretic clustering for identifying groups of similar listeners in p2p systems.
Distributed collaborative filtering with domain specialization.
The influence limiter: provably manipulation-resistant recommender systems.
Trust-aware recommender systems.
Enhancing privacy and preserving accuracy of a distributed collaborative filtering.
Private distributed collaborative filtering using estimated concordance measures.