
recsys 2021 论文列表

RecSys Challenge 2021: Proceedings of the Recommender Systems Challenge 2021, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1 October 2021.

Team JKU-AIWarriors in the ACM Recommender Systems Challenge 2021: Lightweight XGBoost Recommendation Approach Leveraging User Features.
Addressing the cold-start problem with a two-branch architecture for fair tweet recommendation.
Lightweight and Scalable Model for Tweet Engagements Predictions in a Resource-constrained Environment.
User Engagement Modeling with Deep Learning and Language Models.
Synerise at RecSys 2021: Twitter user engagement prediction with a fast neural model.
GPU Accelerated Boosted Trees and Deep Neural Networks for Better Recommender Systems.
The 2021 RecSys Challenge Dataset: Fairness is not optional.