An Efficient Membership-Query Algorithm for Learning DNF with Respect to the Uniform Distribution




We present a membership-query algorithm for efficiently learning DNF with respect to the uniform distribution. In fact, the algorithm properly learns with respect to uniform the class TOP of Boolean functions expressed as a majority vote over parity functions. We also describe extensions of this algorithm for learning DNF over certain nonuniform distributions and for learning a class of geometric concepts that generalizes DNF. Furthermore, we show that DNF is weakly learnable with respect to uniform from noisy examples. Our strong learning algorithm utilizes one of Freund's boosting techniques and relies on the fact that boosting does not require a completely distribution-independent weak learner. The boosted weak learner is a nonuniform extension of a parity-finding algorithm discovered by Goldreich and Levin.


论文评审过程:Received 22 February 1995, Revised 6 November 1996, Available online 25 May 2002.
