Dynamics of rotating thermoelastic disks with stationary heat source




Rotating disks are important components of car brakes or sawing units. In both cases, heat effects to be induced via stationary local contacts between pads and disk or workpiece and saw blade, respectively, influence the dynamic behavior and raise interesting problems in theory and practice. Therefore, the discussion of dynamic thermoelasticity in rotating disks with stationary heat sources is of basic interest to understand the interaction of temperature and displacement or stress fields in such structural elements. It will be analyzed here in detail for the case of an elastic disk for which there is a full (but weak) coupling of strain and temperature within the two applications mentioned. As a relatively general case, the combined excitation by a mechanical load and a simultaneously acting heat source will be examined.

论文关键词:Thermoelastic vibrations,Full coupling,Rotating annular disks,Stationary heat source and mechanical loading,Temperature and stress distribution

论文评审过程:Available online 4 January 2010.
