The asymptotic expansion of the swallowtail integral in the highly oscillatory region




We consider the swallowtail integral Ψ(x,y,z):=∫−∞∞ei(t5+xt3+yt2+zt)dt for large values of |x| and bounded values of |y| and |z|. The integrand of the swallowtail integral oscillates wildly in this region and the asymptotic analysis is subtle. The standard saddle point method is complicated and then we use the simplified saddle point method introduced in (López et al., 2009). The analysis is more straightforward with this method and it is possible to derive complete asymptotic expansions of Ψ(x, y, z) for large |x| and fixed y and z. The asymptotic analysis requires the study of three different regions for argx separated by three Stokes lines. The expansion is given in terms of inverse powers of x13 and x12 and the coefficients are elementary functions of y and z. The accuracy and the asymptotic character of the approximations is illustrated with some numerical experiments.

论文关键词:Swallowtail integral,Asymptotic expansions,Modified saddle point method

论文评审过程:Received 28 September 2016, Revised 19 April 2018, Accepted 8 July 2018, Available online 25 August 2018, Version of Record 25 August 2018.
