A lower bound for the smallest uniquely hamiltonian planar graph with minimum degree three



• New algorithms for finding uniquely hamiltonian cycles.

• Transforming stable fixed edge cycles to uniquely hamiltonian cycles.

• Strong properties of a minimum counter example to Bondy and Jackson’s conjecture.

• Verifies Bondy and Jackson’s conjecture for graphs with up to 25 vertices.


•New algorithms for finding uniquely hamiltonian cycles.•Transforming stable fixed edge cycles to uniquely hamiltonian cycles.•Strong properties of a minimum counter example to Bondy and Jackson’s conjecture.•Verifies Bondy and Jackson’s conjecture for graphs with up to 25 vertices.

论文关键词:Uniquely hamiltonian graphs,Integer Linear programming,Stable cycles,Minimum counterexample

论文评审过程:Received 27 September 2019, Revised 11 March 2020, Accepted 15 March 2020, Available online 16 April 2020, Version of Record 16 April 2020.
