Multi-label classification using stacked hierarchical Dirichlet processes with reduced sampling complexity

作者:Sophie Burkhardt, Stefan Kramer


Nonparametric topic models based on hierarchical Dirichlet processes (HDPs) allow for the number of topics to be automatically discovered from the data. The computational complexity of standard Gibbs sampling techniques for model training is linear in the number of topics. Recently, it was reduced to be linear in the number of topics per word using a technique called alias sampling combined with Metropolis Hastings (MH) sampling. We propose a different proposal distribution for the MH step based on the observation that distributions on the upper hierarchy level change slower than the document-specific distributions at the lower level. This reduces the sampling complexity, making it linear in the number of topics per document by using an approximation based on Metropolis–Hastings sampling. By utilizing a single global distribution, we are able to further improve the test set log-likelihood of this approximation. Furthermore, we propose a novel model of stacked HDPs utilizing this sampling method. An extensive analysis reveals the importance of the correct setting of hyperparameters for classification and shows the convergence properties of our method. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in the context of multi-label classification as compared to previous Dependency-LDA models.

论文关键词:Multi-label classification, Hierarchical Dirichlet process, Topic model, Alias sampling

