Portable autonomous walk calibration for 4-legged robots

作者:Boyan Bonev, Miguel Cazorla, Francisco Martín, Vicente Matellán


In the present paper we describe an efficient and portable optimization method for calibrating the walk parameters of a quadruped robot, and its contribution for the robot control and localization. The locomotion of a legged robot presents not only the problem of maximizing the speed, but also the problem of obtaining a precise speed response, and achieving an acceptable odometry information. In this study we use a simulated annealing algorithm for calibrating different parametric sets for different speed ranges, with the goal of avoiding discontinuities. The results are applied to the robot AIBO in the RoboCup domain. Moreover, we outline the relevance of calibration to the control, showing the improvement obtained in odometry and, as a consequence, in robot localization.

论文关键词:Legged locomotion, Walk parameters estimation, Autonomous odometry calibration

