COVID-19 cases prediction in multiple areas via shapelet learning

作者:Zhijin Wang, Bing Cai


Predicting the number of COVID-19 cases in a geographical area is important for the management of health resources and decision making. Several methods have been proposed for COVID-19 case predictions but they have important limitations in terms of model interpretability, related to COVID-19’s incubation period and major trends of disease transmission. To be able to explain prediction results in terms of incubation period and transmission trends, this paper presents the Multivariate Shapelet Learning (MSL) model to learn shapelets from historical observations in multiple areas. An experimental evaluation was done to compare the prediction performance of eleven algorithms, using the data collected from 50 US provinces/states. Results show that the proposed method is effective and efficient. The learned shapelets explain increasing and decreasing trends of new confirmed cases, and reveal that the COVID-19 incubation period in the USA is around 28 days.

论文关键词:COVID-19, Prediction, Multivariate, Shapelet learning, Interpretability

