Identification of a dominating instrument in polytimbral same-pitch mixes using SVM classifiers with non-linear kernel

作者:Alicja A. Wieczorkowska, Elżbieta Kubera


In this paper we deal with the problem of identification of the dominating musical instrument in a recording containing simultaneous sounds of the same pitch. Sustained harmonic sounds from one octave of twelve instruments were considered. The training data set contains isolated sounds of two forms, one from selected musical instruments, and the other from the same mixed with artificial harmonic and noise sounds of lower amplitude. The test data set contains mixes of musical instrument sounds. A Support Vector Machine classifier was used for training and testing experiments, using a non-linear kernel. Additionally, we performed tests on data based on different recordings of instruments than those used in the training procedure described above. Results of these experiments are presented and discussed.

论文关键词:Music information retrieval, Instrument sound recognition

