Playing Detective: Reconstructing Software Architecture from Available Evidence

作者:Rick Kazman, S. Jeromy Carrière


Because a system's software architecture strongly influences its quality attributes such as modifiability, performance, and security, it is important to analyze and reason about that architecture. However, architectural documentation frequently does not exist, and when it does, it is often “out of sync” with the implemented system. In addition, it is rare that software development begins with a clean slate; systems are almost always constrained by existing legacy code. As a consequence, we need to be able to extract information from existing system implementations and utilize this information for architectural reasoning. This paper presents Dali, an open, lightweight workbench that aids an analyst in extracting, manipulating, and interpreting architectural information. By assisting in the reconstruction of architectures from extracted information, Dali helps an analyst redocument architectures, discover the relationship between “as-implemented” and “as-designed” architectures, analyze architectural quality attributes and plan for architectural change.

论文关键词:software architecture, source model extraction, architectural views

