Feasibility analysis of a case-based reasoning system for automated detection of coronary heart disease from myocardial scintigrams




Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is a noninvasive diagnostic method for the evaluation of patients with suspected or proven coronary artery disease (CAD). We utilized case-based reasoning (CBR) methods to develop the computer-based image interpretation system SCINA which automatically derives from a scintigraphic image data set an assessment concerning the presence of CAD. We compiled a case library of 100 patients who underwent both perfusion scintigraphy and coronary angiography to document or exclude the presence of CAD. The angiographie diagnosis of the retrieved nearest neighbor match of a scintigraphic input case was selected as the CBR diagnosis. We examined the effects of input data granularity, case indexing, similarity metric, and adaptation on the diagnostic accuracy of the CBR application SCINA. For the final prototype, sensitivity and specificity for detection of coronary heart disease were 98% and 70% suggesting that CBR systems may achieve a diagnostic accuracy that appears feasible for clinical use.

论文关键词:Case-based reasoning,Automated image interpretation,Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy,Coronary artery disease

论文评审过程:Accepted 29 July 1996, Available online 12 May 2000.
