

点击 查看该领域国际期刊分级结果

会议简称 会议全称 出版社 所属学科 CCF分级
ASE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering IEEE/ACM 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 A
ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering ACM/IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 A
ISSTA International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis ACM 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 A
OSDI USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementations USENIX 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 A
ECOOP European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming AITO 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
ETAPS European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
ICPC IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
RE IEEE International Requirement Engineering Conference IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
CAiSE International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
ICFP International Conference on Function Programming ACM 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
LCTES International Conference on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems ACM 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
MoDELS International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems ACM, IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
CP International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
ICSOC International Conference on Service Oriented Computing Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
SANER International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
ICSME International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
VMCAI International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
ICWS International Conference on Web Services (Research Track) IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
Middleware International Middleware Conference ACM/IFIP/ 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
SAS International Static Analysis Symposium Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
ESEM International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement ACM/IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
FM International Symposium on Formal Methods FME 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
ISSRE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
HotOS USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems USENIX 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B
PEPM ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation ACM 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
PASTE ACMSIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering ACM 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
APLAS Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
APSEC Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
EASE Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering ACM 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
ICECCS IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
ICST IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
ISPASS IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
SCAM IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
COMPSAC International Computer Software and Applications Conference IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
ICFEM International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
TOOLS International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
SCC International Conference on Service Computing IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
ICSSP International Conference on Software and System Process ACM 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
SEKE International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering KSI 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
QRS International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
ICSR International Conference on Software Reuse Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
ICWE International Conference on Web Engineering Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
SPIN International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking Software Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
LOPSTR International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
TASE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering IEEE 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
MSR Mining Software Repositories IEEE/ACM 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C
REFSQ Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality Springer 软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C